suggestionNo matter what kind of style you personally prefer, experience has taught us that lively and funky advertising usually wins the heart of the consumers, because spunky is better than shy, entertaining is better than boring, cheerful is better than showing no sense of humor, naughty is better than timid, and imaginative is better than uninspired, don’t you think?

So, let me briefly give you three tips for the New Year to make your daily work a bit easier or just include into your NY’s resolution NOT to take yourself too serious. Try to get inspiration wherever you can, besides enjoying what you do and spread that joy!

In 2015, dare to create and spread more splashy advertising! It is not that hard. Just follow the three simple tips that will bring you at least on the right track:

1. Having more fun ….
Whoever looks at your advertising should get excited! Otherwise, it would be a nuisance, annoyance or at best simply irrelevant. Forget suggestion lists that you yourself just tick off. Ask for advertising that you can agree to joyfully and enthusiastically! Whatever is a treat for you, most probably will be appreciated by your customers as well!

2. … brings more ideas and…
Advertising that appears exactly how you envisioned it, should be suspicious to you. Instead, if you think "damn, I never would have come up with this", you are on the right track. Therefore, inspire your agencies, copywriters and designers to provide you with exactly such kind of proposals!

3. … creates more excitement!
Your heart beats giddy with pleasure, your blood pressure rises and your hands sweat – and that’s good! Dare to create exciting advertising, as it is well-known that fortune favors the brave ones and now it is do or die.

Having said this, I wish you all a successful and funky advertising 2015!