Page 7 - AeM_August_2017
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      tent should also strike the "natural sound" of the users   placement of keywords.
      and provide specific answers to the most diverse user
      questions. A good example is FAQ-like prepared con-  The knowledge about the search engine optimization
      tent, which can correctly answer a wide range of user-  on voice input is still very limited today. Currently, it is
      specific questions.                                  best to use the language-based search on Google &
                                                           Co. itself to understand how the voice queries work,
      In the context of the importance of individually oriented   what results are displayed and how your own site is
      website content, local SEO is also becoming more and   ranked. However, voice search is a trend that will
      more important. If the user searches for a "shopping   steadily grow on its own in the future, since the optimi-
      center close by", Google will compare the location of   zation of voice-controlled systems using artificial intelli-
      the user with information from the web pages. Only   gence will make the systems more and more respon-
      when there is a match and relevant information such as   sive and functional. That’s why it is so important to opti-
      opening hours and address, Google will display the cor-  mize your website for voice-based inquiries. It is essen-
      responding websites to the user as search results.   tial for the future and the success of the website over-
                                                           all. Operators of websites should put their focus on
      New keyword research                                 content design to provide answers to search queries
                                                           fast and conveniently on the go.
      Website operators who also want to optimize their pag-  Adobe Digital Insights revelations
      es for voice-based search queries need to re-search the
      optimal keywords, or keyword phrases, for the planning   Although, the latest Adobe Analytics data shows that
      of new, more individual content. But how do the users
      formulate their questions, the answers of which should
      be provided by the website to be optimized? Even if the
      search queries have the same goal, they are formulated
      very differently, depending on the user. For this reason,
      the content and the orientation of the individual web-
      sites must be more complex than before to be an opti-
      mal search result for the users and to be displayed as
      high as possible in the Google search results

      We might will be able to identify soon Google search-
      related requests separately in Google Search Console,
      if we believe a recent Twitter message from Google.
      The data is already available.                       online sales of voice-enabled devices grew (39% YoY),
      Nevertheless, to get to know already today what the   with new generation of products driving innovation and
      own target group is looking for and how they verbalize   consumer appetite, Adobe’s research revealed as well
      their search requests, an ideal approach is to consult   that voice assistants may not be too popular with every-
      the target group itself. For the survey, you can use plat-  one as might thought and that the market has still plen-
      forms from crowdsourcing companies such as click-    ty of room for improvement.
      worker to use the crowd as survey participants, select-
      ed according to target group criteria.               According to Adobe Digital Insights, 49% of the people
                                                           surveyed don’t use voice assistants and half of the po-
      Operators of websites must focus on long-tail key-   tential market still needs convincing that voice assis-
      words and content design                             tants are the trend of the future.
                                                           Furthermore, 37% of people reported that their experi-
      Website operators should deal primarily with the ques-  ences with voice assistants are not up to par with their
      tion of how users are searching and be prepared that   standards, describing their interactions with voice as-
      optimization measures will be very different compared   sistants as either “not good” or simply “terrible”.
      to the previous written search. Voice search query in-
      puts differ significantly from written ones, since they   However, the excitement for the devices is there, and
      generally consist of longer phrases and completely dic-  sales are growing, and improving customer delight
      tated sentences and questions. Website operators     could lead to a healthy increase in sales, Adobe con-
      should therefore focus their SEO efforts on long-tail   cludes. ◊
      keywords and whole sentences. The pages that are                                  By Daniela La Marca
      optimized for matching keywords and phrases should
      provide users with relevant information, and answers to
      their questions and should not focus solely on the

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