Page 12 - AeM_February_2020
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            system  simply  learns  what  works,  and  what  doesn't,
            and optimizes its measures accordingly.
            AI can also be used to measure more precisely which
            content formats - such as text, images, video - work for
            which  customers  and  how  certain  content  is  received
            by the online audience. So, the systems also learn e.g.
            whether  the  assignment  of  offers  to  a  profile  was
            successful.  Accordingly,  they  can  make  decisions
            about the right time and communication channel for a
            communication measure.

            AI-based  personalization  strategies  not  only  ensure
            increasing  conversion  rates  and  satisfied  customers,
            but  more  efficiency.  Marketing  managers  save  time-
            consuming activities such as dividing buyer groups into   But  trend  scouts  also  benefit  from  AI-based  image
            segments  and  the  corresponding  content  assignment.   recognition.  In  the  past,  photos  had  to  be  viewed  to
            Furthermore, they receive help with incentive decision-  identify trends at an early stage, which is an extremely
            making,  which  avoids  wastage  and  can  even  turn   complex and error-prone process. With the new image
            inactive users into active customers.                recognition models, millions of images can be analyzed
                                                                 in  a  very  short  time.  The  so-called  ‘AI  trend  and
            The use of AI can even open up completely new paths   demand forecasting’ is used by the sports manufacturer
            for  personalization:  AI-based  visual  search  solutions,   Nike, among others.
            such as e.g. StyleSnap from Amazon or Slyce, enables
            a potential customer to take pictures of items (e.g. from   Anyway,  whether  real-time  analysis  or  visual  search,
            the  fashion  industry)  and  the  AI  then  analyzes  the   the use of AI makes the personalization of communica-
            photo and suggests similar products in the online shop.   tion more efficient and effective - and online providers
            This technology is based on Google's Cloud Vision API,   and their customers benefit equally from this.◊
            which  can  be  easily  integrated  into  an  app  or  the
            mobile version of the online shop.                                                  By Daniela La Marca

             February 2020: Automation & AI: accelerator in digital marketing                                  12
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