Page 10 - AeM_October_2020
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            "best-of-breed" approach often leads to quick results in
            the  first  step  but  carries  the  risk  of  soon  having  to
            integrate  a  patchwork  of  individual  solutions  with  one

            Why? Well, the customer / consumer / business partner
            always  perceives  the  company  in  its  entirety.  If  the
            individual  interfaces  are  not  coordinated  with  one
            another,  we  inevitably  go  through  a  less  than  optimal
            customer experience: for instance, would you be happy
            if  you are offered exactly the same product from  your
            supplier,  at  significantly  more  favorable  conditions,
            shortly after you have  purchased it? Just because the
            systems  have  not  recognized  that  your  purchase,  the
            conversion, has already taken place? Exactly!        special  systems  or  manufacturing  variants.  Mass
                                                                 customization  has  reached  the  mass  market  with  a
            That’s  why  integration  of  processes  and  data,  as  well   constantly growing variety of products - from individual
            as  overcoming  departmental  boundaries,  is  the  great   postage stamps to individual glasses in 3D printing to
            promise  of  various  suite  providers.  Integration  out  of   the inevitable sports shoe.
            the box, of course with open interfaces, more and more
            a  touch  of  open  source,  and  of  course  with  a  partner   Identifying  interested  parties  at  an  early  stage,
            ecosystem  that  offers  a  variety  of  extensions  on  the   addressing  them  individually,  providing  competent
            standard platform.                                   support  during  the  purchase  and  afterwards,  and
                                                                 perfectly matching the production and logistics process
            And yes, even if you leave out the marketing loops and   to the demand, is what counts.
            are aware of the higher complexity of the projects, the
            advantage  of the holistic view  of the customer, based   In other words, when data is really the new oil, it is time
            on  a  central  database,  remains:  customers  always   to  find  the  right  oil  well,  right?  We  must  distinguish
            perceive a company as a whole and they do not have   between two essential phases along the buyer journey:
            to be interested in the details, limitations, or challenges   (a) The anonymous visitor (before conversion); (b) the
            of individual departments – and that’s exactly why this   known  (identified)  visitor.  The  aim  in  both  cases  is  to
            “holistic approach” is so crucial for a positive design of   collect  relevant  information  about  the  visitor,  evaluate
            the customer experience.                             this  information, and display  optimized content for the
                                                                 visitor  in real-time.   Examples  of available  information
            Data-based marketing requires data –                 are  geolocation,  time,  device,  and  access  source

            the more the better                                  (direct,  referral,  organic,  paid).  This  little  information
                                                                 already allows an effective optimization of the website.
            Because every “intelligent” data analysis lives from   If the data is collected and linked to the click behavior
            recognizing recurring patterns within a database, it is   of all the visitors, meaningful prognoses can be made
            clear that the larger the database, the more meaningful   about  the  next  possible  action.  Appropriate  analysis
            the results and the easier it is to read a customer's   and  optimization  solutions  can  independently  create
            “digital body language”. For data protection reasons, it   visitor  segments,  provide  information  about  deviations
            is of course never about the individual, but always   from the (previously defined) norm and, in combination
            about the segment, whereby the possibility of        with  content  management  and  asset  management
            recognizing the individual consumer and reaching them   systems, offer significant added value for the company.
            individually is (at least technically) already an option.   ◊
                                                                                               By Daniela La Marca
            The  first  step  was  “only”  about  getting  the  right
            message to a person / persona at the right time via the
            right  channel  -  which  is  still  easier  said  than  done.  In
            the  second  step,  we  are  now  experiencing  the
            possibilities  of  personalization  not  only  on  the
            communication  level,  but  also  on  the  product  and
            service  level  -  and  it  is  no  longer  just  about  building

             October 2020: Experience Economy: customer-centricity & cross-channel customer interaction        10
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