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Marketing Analytics & Search

Research, Analysis & Trends Technologies & Products

Analysis tools for marketing are hot in demand, The world’s most comprehensive measure of
running like clockwork 4 online influencer now incorporates YouTube
data 30
Moz’s analysis of Google’s ranking factors 6
Hitachi Data Systems unveils unique tools and
The keyword is dead - long live relevant, holistic
sophisticated analytics to enhance public safety 32
content! 9
Companies & Campaigns
Fournaise calls on marketers to stop living in their
la-la-land and embrace KPIs to prove effectiveness
iQNECT: Create an instantly shop-able world
and ROI 10
through Visual Search and Augmented Reality 34
After all, the meta description is quite a ranking
Bestselling visual analytics software is now
factor 12
available at no charge for nonprofit organizations 36
Intel Security reveals its ‘Most Dangerous Celebrities’ POPAI addresses challenges faced by retailers
study results and what to look out for not to catch
and brands when navigating the ever-evolving
viruses and malware while surfing the web 14
consumer behavior landscape 38
The impact of Google mobile-update comes to the
fore 16

Best Practices & Strategies Scraper sites may violate copyright law 40

What are the advantages of app analytics for
optimization? 18 BUZZwords

Without analytical tools, you’ll never get the big picture Web scraping 41
or make your life easier 20

Panda and Penguin reshuffled SEO 22 Imprint 42
Google’s five golden rules for more viewability 24

Analytics gets down to work, gathering valuable
information from Big Data 26

What really affects Social Media SEO? 28

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