Page 21 - AeM_Apr_2017
P. 21


          ing it as extremely complicated. Only 15% consider   •  Implementation time-frame: 46% of marketing
          implementing a marketing automation system un-       influencers consider 4 to 6 months to be a reasona-
          complicated.                                         ble time-frame for completing the implementation of
                                                               a marketing automation system, while 31% think it
       •  Implementation resources used: Whether com-          should be done in 3 months or less. Nearly one-
          plexity is a perception or reality, it is the primary   quarter (23%) believe implementation requires
          reason that a total of 88% of marketing influencers   more than 6 months.
          outsource the implementation of marketing automa-
          tion to some extent. Outsourcing also provides
          skills and capabilities not always available in-house.

        You might be interested in Ascend2 process - called   target customers and nurture those leads to marketing
        ‘research-based demand generation’ – developed to   -qualified status. ◊
        generate leads using factual content of interest to your
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                                                 MediaBUZZ Pte Ltd - Independant ePublisher for Asia
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