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             How deep learning turned sci-fi-esque

             predictive intelligence into reality

            20 years ago, IBM’s supercomputer Deep Blue defeated   of top human chess players.
            world chess champion Gary Kasparov in a historical first
            victory for artificial intelligence. Today, supercomputers   By implementing AI, the IBM supercomputer was able
            are smart enough to easily beat not only chess players,   to identify things it has seen before, consider all possi-
            but also succeed in similarly sophisticated games, like   ble moves, predict human responses, and then decide
            the 3000-year-old Chinese game of Go, and most re-   on the best move. This wouldn’t be possible without
            cently, poker challenges against multiple human pros.   training it to look at large amounts of data and use al-
            These wins against humans were results from artificial   gorithms that gave it the ability to perform tasks without
            intelligence.                                        any human intervention. This process led to what is
                                                                 now known as “machine learning.”
            Self-learning takes from human learning -
                                                                 But it doesn’t end there. It takes even more intelligent
            then outperforms It.
                                                                 systems to defeat human players in more complex
            The goal of artificial intelligence (AI) is to make comput-  games like Chinese Go and especially Poker – there
            ers as smart, or even smarter than human beings, by   are not only billions of options to foresee, but they re-
            giving them human-like thinking and reasoning abilities.   quire “feeling” or intuition. This is where the process of
            However, there are also many other ways to achieve   deep learning comes into play.
                                                                 Deep learning is a highly innovative branch of machine
            Several years ago, Deep Blue was taught by using hand  learning that closely imitates the work of the human
            -written functions, copying the knowledge and wisdom   brain in processing data and creating patterns of deci-
      16            August 2017 - Search Engine Marketing & Optimization
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