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All you need is ...

digital analytics and talent

Don’t make the same mistake as others. It’s However, while many businesses invest hundreds of
time to invest in your analytics tool and talent. thousands, if not millions, of dollars in marketing cam-
paigns, they still rely on free analytics tools to measure
these campaigns and allocate marketing budget. These
Digital advertising has become all but a staple for com-
panies trying to reach today’s tech-savvy and omni- tools often have serious limitations in real-time analysis
connected consumer. Pacing through multiple screens and in some situations even give misleading results.
and devices, modern consumers are now expecting The biggest challenge companies face is making sense
online interaction as part of the brand engagement pro- of the numbers and turning them into meaningful infor-
cess – and marketers are stepping up to the challenge. mation that drives effective campaigns.

The formula to solving the problem is simple –
According to eMarketer, global digital and mobile ad
spend will tally up to about $170 billion this year. As in- Tools + Talent = Effective campaign analytics.
vestments in digital assets such as apps and websites
continue to show exponential growth, advertisers are Choosing the tool
calling for more clarity in campaign evaluation.
Choosing the proper tool for your needs is the first step
And this is where digital analytics plays a critical role. in ensuring effective campaign analytics. However, the
With the wealth of real-time data available from these process can be unfamiliar territory. Here are three sim-
assets, analytics provides insights that can be employed ple steps to follow when choosing which solution to
to guide business decisions on the go. Analytics opens subscribe to:
up the gates to information such as where visitors are
coming from, what they are doing, how long they are  Match your objectives – Perhaps the biggest mis-
staying on the properties, and what they like best. conception when faced with purchasing enterprise-
level analytics is that “the more sophisticated the
The information can then be used for content optimiza- tool, the better it is.” This is not always true – highly
tion, improving web/application design to attract more complex tools can be harder to navigate, costlier
users, and getting them to consume more content. The and longer to implement. So, instead of seeking the
end goal is to ultimately lead them to a call-to-action – solution with the most bells and whistles, business-
be it easing down the purchase funnel or completing es should ask themselves, “What are my objectives
more transactions. and business needs?”

8 Asian eMarketing June 2015 - Marketing Automation
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