Page 15 - AeM_June_2019
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       The  fastest  growing  technology  categories  will  be  says   Daniel-Zoe   Jimenez,   AVP   –   Digital
       System  Infrastructure  Software  (49.9  CAGR),  IaaS  Transformation,  Future  Enterprise  and  SMB,  at  IDC
       (38.5% CAGR) and Application (35.7% CAGR).          Asia/Pacific.
                                                           China  will  be  the  largest  geographic  market  for  DX
       “The  pace  of  digital  transformation  has  accelerated  in   spending in Asia Pacific, delivering more than 60% the
       the  Asia  Pacific  region,  and  this  will  continue  to  drive   region  total  spent  in  2019.  In  China,  the  leading
       significant  investments  in  technologies  in  the  next  few   industries will be Discrete Manufacturing ($55.3 billion),
       years  –  from  hardware  and  services  to  applications.   Process  Manufacturing  ($30.6  billion)  and  State  and
       Organizations are becoming more mature and they are   Local  Govt.  ($20.9  billion)  with  DX  spending
       reshaping  their  digital  vision  and  tactics  to  achieve   focused,   IDC’s   Worldwide   Semiannual   Digital
       measurable  results.  They  are  rethinking  DX  to  gain   Transformation Spending Guide predicts. ◊
       better  clarity  into  what  the  Future  Enterprise  (FE)  will
       look  like  and  are  increasing  focus  on  applying  digital                           By MediaBUZZ
       technologies  to  address  the  future  of  work,  customer
       engagement,  intelligence,  operations,  and  leadership,”

                                                 MediaBUZZ Pte Ltd - Independant ePublisher for Asia
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