Page 12 - AeM_August_2019
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             Marketing needs to evolve - NOW

            The  discrepancy  between  what  marketing  could  But  how  can  this  idea  "Consumer  First"  be  put  into
            theoretically accomplish and the reality is huge. You do  action?  By  following  the  three  pillars  based  on  the
            not  have  to  be  a  marketing  expert  to  know  that.  Consumer First approach:
            Especially for consumers, this gap is clearly noticeable:
            they  (rightly)  increasingly  complain  about  annoying,   1. Create extraordinary experiences
            intrusive or irrelevant advertising and their concern about
            losing  sovereignty  over  their  personal  data  is  steadily   Consumers  today  are  used  to  getting  personalized
            growing.                                               messages on all channels and devices they use. To
                                                                   help  ensure  that  control  over  information  and  user
            According to Rakuten Marketing's "Save the Web" study,   data is always up to the consumer, advertisers need
            these developments have as a consequence that 83% of   to  say  goodbye  to  focusing  on  campaigns  and
            Internet users feel disturbed by online advertising. At the   technology,  instead  focusing  on  their  customers  -
            same  time,  the  media  landscape  is  becoming       across  all  touchpoints.  This  approach  also  supports
            increasingly  fragmented,  forcing  advertisers  to  drive   advertisers'  goal  of  building  meaningful  and  lasting
            complex  campaigns  across  an  increasing  number  of   relationships  with  their  audience  that  leads  to  real
            channels,  but  often  have  limited  tools  to  efficiently   business                         results.
            execute  and  measure  them.  In  addition,  the  Walled
            Gardens  prevent  meaningful  coordination  across     The  less  comprehensible  is  the  fact  that  digital
            channels and publishers.                               marketing  is  still  characterized  by  overly  intrusive
                                                                   advertising  or  ads  that  are  optimized  for  a  single
            How  can  we  counteract  this  development  and  ensure   channel  and  only  result  in  short-term  increases  in
            that the digital advertising market does not become the   CTR. In order to optimize campaigns and to pick up
            consumers’ enemy image?                                consumers right  where they  are, advertising content
                                                                   must  be  automatically  tailored  to  the  interests  and
            Good marketing should not only increase the turnover of   behavior  of  the  target  group.  This  "programmatic-
            advertisers, but  above  all benefit consumers and serve   creative" approach enhances the brand experience of
            the purpose of connecting products and services to the   consumers by allowing advertisers to automate their
            right target group. Only then  will consumers be able to   campaigns  to  meet  the  needs  of  their  audience  by
            identify with the brand's values and build a connection to   using machine-learning algorithms. For example, AI-
            them.                                                  driven creatives can  be  used as  interactive  ad units
                                                                   that  play  ads  based  on  current  weather,  contain  a
                                                                   locally  relevant  ad  message  based  on  geolocation

      12            August 2019 - Predictive Algorithms, Programmatic & Native Ads
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