Page 18 - AeM_Mar_2018
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             Today’s soft skills are the hard skills

            Every  year,  Indra  Nooyi,  the  CEO  of  PepsiCo,  sits  model  something  sustainable  and  replicable  to  the
            down to write a letter… in fact, 400 of them. In each  organisation.  More  than  a  sunny  disposition  or
            one,  she  tells  the  parents  of  her  senior  executives  extraverted  confidence,  EI  is  about  discerning  and
            what their child is doing for the company, and why  managing your own emotions, so that you can nurture
            they  are  a  gift  to  the  company.  The  response  from  and   develop   the   relationships   around   you.
            her  colleagues:  “This  is  the  best  thing  that’s
            happened  to  my  parents.  And,  it’s  the  best  thing  And considering that teams are now far more agile and
            that’s happened to me!”                              disparate, the ability to lead a diverse workforce is now
                                                                 indispensable.  Vendors,  freelancers,  offshore  teams
            Needless to say, Nooyi is enjoying a high approval rating   and contractors sit around the same virtual tables these
            in her 11th year as CEO. Why is that? Daniel Goleman’s   days,  and  today’s  leader  must  have  the  empathy,
            Emotional  Intelligence  (EI)  theory  would  say  it  has   communicative  savvy  and  interpersonal  skills  to
            everything to do with her mastering ‘the soft stuff’.   synthesise these contributions into a cohesive healthy

            Before  this  new  paradigm  infiltrated  business  schools
            and  boardrooms,  strong  leadership  was  top-down,   Today,  leaders  are  expected  to  go  first‒to  be
            empirical  and  calculated,  emotionally  invulnerable.   transparent   and   approachable‒and   to   model
                                                                 teachability to their workforce. An emotionally intelligent
            Bedside  manners  and  empathy  were  optional  at  best.
            But increasingly business is waking up to the  idea that   leader  turns  mistakes  into  learning  opportunities  and
            IQ and Ivy League-splattered résumés won’t necessarily   operates  within  healthy  boundaries  of  their  finite
            translate  into  running  a  tight,  productive,  happy  ship.  It   capacity.  Leaders  who  are  emotionally  self-regulated
            will take more intuitive, fluid forms of leadership that can   and self-aware know how to pause, think and step into
            leverage the power of human connections and the ability   another person’s shoes before acting. They know how
                                                                 to sniff out the needs of both colleague and customer.
            to  inspire  and  envision  others.  If  you  want  to  build
            anything  great,  you’re  going  to  have  to  get  it  the  hard   Those  with  high  EQs  know  how  to  keep  growing  and
            way. Soft skills are the hard skills inside the glass walls   learning  and  redefining  their  contribution  to  society,
            of today’s organisations.                            even as the business world is rampantly disrupted. And
                                                                 that’s how they keep winning

            EI: what exactly is it ‒ and isn’t it?
                                                                 EI has a tangible payoff
            You  only  have  to  listen  to  Jeff  Bezos’  quirky,  self-
            deprecating laugh, or reference Mark Zuckerberg’s dress  A TalentSmart study found emotional intelligence to be
            -down wardrobe, to agree that today’s best leaders are   the  number  one  predictor  of  performance  (among  33
            not gunning for super hero status. But their genius (aside   other qualities), with a 58% success rate for a variety of
            from they’re genius) lies in the fact that they’re not trying.   jobs  overall.  On  average,  people  with  a  high  EQ
            Where  they’ve  chosen  to  throw  their  weight  is  in  their   are $29 000 richer every  year than  people  with a  low
            own  emotional  regulation‒the  ability  to  recognise  and   EQ.  Technically  speaking,  that  means  for  every  point
            tend  to  their  emotional  ‘tanks’‒so  that  they  continue  to   you  bring  your  EQ  up,  you  can  expect  to  make  a
                                                                 thousand dollars more per year.
      18            March 2018 - Internet of Things (IoT) and Integrated Marketing
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