Page 17 - AeM_January2021
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       out that a lack of specialist knowledge has now led to a
       slight decrease in digital  implementation projects. The
       corona  pandemic  has  just  shown  the  new  and
       important role digital processes are taking.

       Be able to do it
                                                                            (Capgemini Invent)
       After  wanting  to  do  so,  the  second  question  quickly
       arises, namely that of “ability”. Digital changes are not a
       technical  button  that  you  can  just  press,  rather  it  is
       about the specific knowledge and the associated know-
       how relating to digital value creation.

       The  basics  of  the  digital  economy  are  essential  for
       every  manager.  In  addition  to  professional  and  social
       skills,  digital  skills  will  be  essential  in  the  future  to  be
       able  to  lead  entrepreneurially.  And  that  doesn't  just
       apply  to  management,  but  to  every  employee  in  the
       company.  Digital  values,  digital  value  creation,  and
       digital  value  chains  as  the  basis  of  digital  business
       models  must  become  second  nature  to  everyone.
       However,  studies  have  shown  that  knowledge  about
       digital  technologies,  digital  economy  and  digital
       markets is not particularly well developed at all levels of
       work and in management.
       This  situation  can  only  be  changed  through  specific
       training and further education.

       Ultimately, do it!

       In  the  end  however,  what  really  counts  is  the
       implementation  of  digital  projects  in  practice,  the
       “doing”.  All  those  involved  are  measured  by  what  is
       really  happening  and  how  the  company  and  its
       employees are taken along on this path. The focus is
       on  the  three  "digital  Ps":  processes,  products,  and
       platforms as well as their structure and design.

       The automation of processes is a simple necessity, as
       is  the  answering  of  related  questions  such  as  digital
       customer journey, dynamic pricing, interactive ordering,
       tracking  and  so  on.  In  addition,  the  digitization  of
       products will grow in importance: sensors, the Internet   the digital leaders who guide our industry into the digital
       of   Things,   artificial   intelligence,   and   remote   age.
       maintenance are just a few of the keywords. However,
       the  development  of  digital  platforms  shouldn’t  be   Especially  in  times  of  crisis  like  this,  management
       ignored either since these have proven to be a superior   needs a solid  understanding  of technology  and know-
       business model on the Internet. To make a long story   how to make use of innovations as in the long term only
       short,  the  digital  execution  is  the  third  essential   those companies will successfully assert themselves in
       component that characterizes a digital leader.      the  market.  We  must  make  sure  that  technological
                                                           competence is firmly anchored at the C level. ◊
       Since  digitization  can  no  longer  be  stopped,  we  must
       actively  shape  the  digital  age.  This  will  depend  on  a                     By Daniela La Marca
       digital mindset (willingness), the associated digital skills
       (ability) and digital execution (doing), and ultimately on

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