Page 19 - AeM_January2021
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       1. Meticulous Persona Definition

       It’s  essential  to  get  a  clear  understanding  of  what
       charms  your  prospects  into  giving  you  their  undivided
       attention. Clear and explicit persona definition can get
       you halfway there. AI tracks and observes the external
       and  internal  data  on  the  behavioral  patterns  of
       prospects/customers and produces real-time personas.
       This helps marketers create well-defined and elaborate
       personas to power through perceptive campaigns.

       2. Pertinent Content Creation

       Once you’re done with persona definition, you’d surely
       know  your  audience  better  to  determine  the  kind  of
       content that would attract them to your website. These
       could  be  blog  posts,  eBooks,  whitepapers,  webinars,
       podcasts,  vlogs,  etc.  AI  makes  it  easier  for  you  to
       identify  high-performance  keywords  as  it  senses  the
       kind  of  content  that  you’re  looking  to  share  and
       archives  and  recycles  old  content  so  that  you  won’t
       have  to  recreate  it  every  time.  This  kind  of  smart   4. Effective Data Collection
       content becomes easier for the customers to respond
       to as well.                                         AI-enhanced  marketing  automation  tools  can  collect
                                                           data from all possible sources. Since  it can  work with
       3. Targeted Lead Generation                         and  around  an  extensive  range  of  data,  the  customer
                                                           personas  that  AI  defines  deliver  more  specific  and
       In one of its studies, Marketing Sherpa found out that   advantageous results.
       73% of leads are not ready to buy when they first give
       you their contact details. The one that buys from you is   5. Swift Response Time
       a  sure-fire  customer,  but  the  one  that  peruses  is  a
       prospect who may buy someday. AI helps you separate   Since  AI-integrated  marketing  automation  platforms
       those  customers  from  the  prospects.  It  identifies  the   acknowledge  queries  with  hyper-personalized  emails
       leads  that  have  a  higher  conversion  potential.  AI  also   almost  instantaneously,  the  response  time  reduces
       gives  you  recommendations  for  touchpoints  that  are   proportionally.  AI  does  not  let  you  miss  out  on  any
       most  relevant  to  the  specific  customer.  It  gives  these   opportunity  to  interact  with  your  customer  because  of
       recommendations based on the behavioral patterns of   the  observations  of  their  behavioral  pattern,  needs,
       these  leads  and  not  a  ‘one-size-fits  all’  kind  of  a   preferences, interests, etc.
       recommendation. This makes it easier for marketers to
       devise a smoother lead nurture path for each lead. AI   6. Elevated Cost-Related Benefits
       makes the lead generation process more targeted and
       fruitful, with improved lead quality and reduced cost per   If  you  adopt  AI  in  your  marketing  strategies,  you  can
       lead.                                               bid  adieu  to  over-the-top  expensive  automation
                                                           programming and administration, because AI does not
                                                           fail  to  reduce  the  cost  per  lead.  Due  to  the  improved
                                                           lead quality, you can expect a greater ROI and a better
                                                           justified marketing budget.

                                                           It’s safe to say that Artificial Intelligence is the genie all
                                                           marketers  have  waited  for  all  along.  Don’t  shy  away
                                                           from  AI  because  it’s  as  mainstream  as  it  gets.
                                                           Incorporate AI into your marketing automation software,
                                                           and you’d know that it really is the new normal. ◊

                                                                                       By Grazitti Interactive

       January 2021: AI & Automation in Marketing       19
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