Page 7 - index
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Spending levels will almost double
in India and Indonesia as well. Only
in Japan will growth rates be signifi-
cantly lower, at 23.0% this year.

China’s rapid growth—and the
massive size of the country and its
mobile population—have helped
turn it into the No. 1 market in the
region for mobile internet advertis-
ing. More than one-third of all mo-
bile internet ad dollars in Asia-
Pacific will be spent in China this
year. That leapfrogs the country
ahead of Japan for the first time—a
country which, up until last year,
gobbled almost half of mobile inter-
net ad spending in the entire re-

Mobile internet ad spending is eMarketer bases all of its forecasts
rising on a multipronged approach that In addition, every element of each
focuses on both worldwide and lo- eMarketer forecast fits within the
cal trends in the economy, technol- larger matrix of all its forecasts,
eMarketer estimates that this year, ogy and population, along with with the same assumptions and
mobile internet ad spending will general framework used to project
account for 20.2% of all digital ad company-, product-, country- and figures in a wide variety of areas.
demographic-specific trends, and
spending in Asia-Pacific and 5.5% trends in specific consumer behav- Regular re-evaluation of each fore-
of total media ad investments in the cast means those assumptions and
region. Spending will pass $8.36 iors. We analyze quantitative and framework are constantly updated
billion this year and come in at qualitative data from a variety of to reflect new market developments
research firms, government agen-
more than $25.38 billion by 2017.
cies, media outlets and company and other trends. ◊
reports, weighting each piece of
information based on methodology Source: emarketer
and soundness.

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